Hee hee. So the sell sheet for Lord of the Rings Masterpieces II by Topps has hit. And lookee there, out of 102 artists they used one o mine as a sample. I think there were about 256 others I'd have gone with, but it's so cool and flattering nonetheless to see myself represented among such talented individuals.
Can you pick out mine?
Congrats man!
Dude, you rock! Uh..the girl?
Way to go, superstar. (Yours is the sword-wielding dude on the ladder.)
I thought the girl too (for obvious reasons). The dude on the later I am sure of it!!
You're all wrong. It's the one with Boba Fett.
I check LOTR sketches nearly every day and yours always stand out. I'm guessing on the sell sheet it's the one where the rider is looking for the Hobbits
Nope, I take that back.. the guy on the ladder with the sword
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