Anyone who knows me knows that I have a healthy obsession with all characters fairy tale. My favorite of the bunch is Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.
Ever since I started working at Caricature Connection I have been dabbling with water color. Before this gig hit almost 5 years ago now I wouldn't dare pick up a brush. I was absolutely intimidated and turned off by the medium. But I have to work with it everyday. And the funniest thing is, I started to enjoy it. I want to continue to explore the medium more, and this was my first attempt. I did a basic sketch and then just started it straight with watercolor. It wasn't until the very end that I added some small blocks of ink. Overall it came out pretty close to my idea of the finished project.
Awesome work Mike! You put the BIG and BAD into that wolf.
Your talent has no boundaries, my dear. Keep up the great work!
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