Okay all kinds of news! My computer is home and all data was saved! Hooray!!!!
Now I am at Wizard World Chicago for the weekend. I will be at booth 4706 in Artist Alley all weekend so stop on by and see me! You never know how generous I will be feeling.
Also Anyone waiting on commissions, they will go out next week when I get home. Including any sketchbooks that were ordered.
Also I just got word that I will be contributing 200 cards to Upperdeck's next Marvel Masterpieces set!
Also, heh, lots of also's. Here are a few shots of the con from the preview night. Me nad my good buddy Kenny's table, and TNA's lovely knockout Gail Kim. Hailey drew her a picture and made sure I got it to her. For the record, Gail is one of the coolest most down to earth pro wrestlers I've ever met.
Okay kids, got to run, I'm late for the show......
Hope you guys are having fun and selling tons of books up there. Tell the gang I said "Hi", and I'll see ya soon.
Geez, I haven't seen YOU in forever!
Dude! Where you at?
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