Thursday, November 11, 2010
Monday, November 08, 2010
Treasure Chests and Booty Base Card
We've been given the okay to show our artwork for the now Sold-Out Treasure Chests and Booty card set from BadAxe studios. I decided to go with the ever so popular sexy Mermaid theme!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
While this may be an older piece, it's the first time I am sharing it on my blog. I think I need to draw more of my co-workers in SAW traps!
Movie opens today!!!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
SAW WEEK Day Three
I'd say hands down that Tobin Bell's incarnation as John AKA Jigsaw is the most iconic character in the SAW franchise. Not only does the series revolve around the traps that his mind creates, and the philosophy of appreciating one's life, but his voice eerily carries the movies "games." When you hear him speak through his puppet Billy, you can almost feel the chill run down the back of your neck.
As slightly off as his arguably evil ideals are, you can't help but be pulled in by his personality and presence.
So today I did a profile caricature (go figure) of Tobin Bell as Jigsaw. And tossed a flair of artsy fartsy to it.
SAW 3D begins screenings in less than 24 hours.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
SAW WEEK: Day two
SO as much as I love the SAW movies, I have to admit that the first time I saw pigface, I thought it was a bit ridiculous. But as the movies progressed, so did my appreciation for how wonderfully creepy he was.
So I decided to give the character a stab. Obviously I didn't draw him in the traditional style, and opted to keep with an animated cartoon feel.
Enjoy! 3 more days until SAW 3D.
So I decided to give the character a stab. Obviously I didn't draw him in the traditional style, and opted to keep with an animated cartoon feel.
Enjoy! 3 more days until SAW 3D.
Monday, October 25, 2010
SAW Week Day one
SO I'm obviously a monster fan of the SAW franchise, and this Friday the final chapter will be told in the forthcoming SAW 3D.
As Jigsaw might say, "I Want to play a game."
To celebrate it's arrival I'm going to be doing one piece a day relating to the films until the 29th when it hits theaters.
Anyone who has seen the movies knows that once the TV set turns on and you see that familiar puppet staring back at you, you'll have some choices to make, and make quickly, or kiss your ass good-bye.
So my game this week, is to save my little Locoduck from a Jigsaw trap by creating a new piece every day until the movie opens. If I succeed, Loco goes free. If I fail, it will be roast duck for dinner. The choice is mine, I must choose wisely. HA HA HA HA HA.
Join me for the ride wont you?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Cartoon Graveyard
Cartoon Graveyard is about to prove that none are safe from the zombie epidemic. The peaceful and usually happy Cartoon Town has been rocked by a strange zombie like virus. Leaving none of our treasured toons safe, it is spreading like wildfire. Cartoon Graveyard is a parody book that documents the tragic event. The book will feature zombie parodies of some of your favorite cartoon, and advertising characters like DEAD FLINSTONE.
The book will debut at Spooky Empire's Ultimate Horror Weekend in a very limited run. It will later be available for purchase on the web as well. Lots of crazy takes on our childhood friends, and a book that I am very proud to have put together! Be sure to get yours!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Spooky Empire's Ultimate Horror Weekend
So it looks like it's official. I will be attending the Ultimate Horror Weekend at The Wyndham Hotel in Orlando October 8-10. I'll be setting up as a guest, and have my partner in crime Dennis Hart to maximize damage to faces.
It's my first time doing this show, and I am pretty jazzed. I never quite realized what a hidden horror nut I was, and boy do we have some goodies in store.
Not only will we be doing some gruesome DEAD-ICatures at the show, but I will have not one, but 2 new books to reveal, and several new prints.
I'll share some of the swag in the next few days.
Should be a FUN show. There will no doubt be a host of super awesome crazy horror fans in attendance, and I'll have the opportunity to meet horror icons like Robert (Freddy Krueger) Englund, and Elvira. The Bad ass Machete, Danny Trejo will be at the show as well.
So please keep your eyes closely peeled for new updates and one to two or maybe even three, more con announcements.
Since I am swamped with prep for the show, and some straggling commissions, A Boy And His Wookiee will take a short hiatus but be back in November!
It's my first time doing this show, and I am pretty jazzed. I never quite realized what a hidden horror nut I was, and boy do we have some goodies in store.
Not only will we be doing some gruesome DEAD-ICatures at the show, but I will have not one, but 2 new books to reveal, and several new prints.
I'll share some of the swag in the next few days.
Should be a FUN show. There will no doubt be a host of super awesome crazy horror fans in attendance, and I'll have the opportunity to meet horror icons like Robert (Freddy Krueger) Englund, and Elvira. The Bad ass Machete, Danny Trejo will be at the show as well.
So please keep your eyes closely peeled for new updates and one to two or maybe even three, more con announcements.
Since I am swamped with prep for the show, and some straggling commissions, A Boy And His Wookiee will take a short hiatus but be back in November!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Treasure Chests and Booty!
I'm very lucky to be participating in Axebone's upcoming hot pirate girls trading card set appropriately titled Treasure Chests and Booty! In addition to the 25 sketch cards I contributed (all in full color), I'll be doing a base card as well. I'm super stoked to be a part of this set and there is some AMAZING and beautiful work from many other talented artists as well.
The set maybe aimed at an older audience, but from what I have seen, that older audience is in for a great treat. Especially if they appreciate the fairer sex.
Anyway, here are my three preview cards I have been given the okay to show.
You can learn more about the set by following the link to the official site.
Also, I haven't forgotten about A Boy and His Wookiee. I've just been super busy, but there will be a new strip later in the week.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Indiana Jones and The Temple of Carkoon
So what if A galaxy far far away caught up with one a little closer. Namely, ours.
I did this parody poster last October just because I thought it would be funny if Indy discovered his frozen counterpart in carbonite.
Sorry that I am just getting round to sharing. I have been crazy busy playing catch up, and am getting closer! If your order no longer appears to the right, it's because it has shipped.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Playing Ketchup
Well, of course I mean catch up. A lot of things slowed me down over the summer, some pleasantly (my daughters) some not so much (my lack of finances)
I still reside in a hotel, while most of my life is still in storage.
Fortunately, there is the light at the end of my tunnel. I feel like I am in a great groove artistically. Making the most of my limited workspace to produce cool art. My finances are sneaking into shape again, and it looks like I will be able to make a big visit to the post office on Monday. SO if any of you are waiting on packages look out for them.
I've updated my workload and the status on the right hand column.
I should have an announcement soon as well about some upcoming convention appearances. In the meantime here is a piece I've been meaning to share on here.
I still reside in a hotel, while most of my life is still in storage.
Fortunately, there is the light at the end of my tunnel. I feel like I am in a great groove artistically. Making the most of my limited workspace to produce cool art. My finances are sneaking into shape again, and it looks like I will be able to make a big visit to the post office on Monday. SO if any of you are waiting on packages look out for them.
I've updated my workload and the status on the right hand column.
I should have an announcement soon as well about some upcoming convention appearances. In the meantime here is a piece I've been meaning to share on here.
Jessica as a pink clone trooper. This was also the cover to last year's sketch book. If you've seen it, well check her out once more. If not, enjoy!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday, August 09, 2010
A Very Special Boy and His Wookie 8-9-10
Today's strip is a memorial to Katie Johnson. I had detailed some of her story on my blog sometime last year. She is the darling who inspired pink astromech droid R2-KT. You can read more about her on her site . Today is the 5th anniversary of her passing and I thought it only fitting to pay her tribute. Through her, and the amazing little droid that encompasses her legacy, many children, friends, fans, and families have found happiness and hope.
It's also a bittersweet farewell to my little girls who will be returning home to Texas tomorrow. I'll miss them so, but just as the thoughts of Katie continue to bring a smile to her daddy's face, so to will the summer memories we built bring a smile to mine. Cheers R2 (Katie) I look forward to meeting you this Sunday at CV!
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Star Wars Celebration V
I have to admit, I was a little bummed that they chose so few of the hundreds of Star Wars artists out there to attend the show in an official capacity. I was really looking forward to an invite, as were many other artists, especially since I had been invited to Star Wars Celebration Japan. The Orange county convention center is certainly large enough to hold a lot more of us Star Wars artists. Plus I had some great ideas for prints.
But alas, I will still be there.
Sadly, most of the time the show is going on, I will be busy returning my little ewoks home to Texas. So the only day I will be in attendance at the show is Sunday. The good news is, if anyone is looking to meet me, I'll have a spot.
From 12 - 2 pm you can find Michael "locoduck" Duron hanging out at the SWGFA booth #1520. (along the same row as the Hasbro booth) I'll be drawing black and white Star Wars themed caricatures, and I'll have some goodies to give away. I'm going to have a limited print of sort to give away as well. And if anyone spots me throughout the show and says they read this, I'll hook you up with a special freebie as well.
Anyway, I am really looking forward to the show. Can't wait to see many of you there.
BTW If you happen to wander into the 501st room, be sure to say hi to R2KT for me, and check out the cool Locoduck artwork on her banner.
Monday, August 02, 2010
A Boy and His Wookiee 8-3-10
Here is this week's strip. I know I had said every Tuesday and Thursday, but right now, many things are slowing that development. But hey a strip a week is better than nothing right?
Tomorrow, some news about Celebration V!
Tomorrow, some news about Celebration V!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
UP in the Air
I know it's a movie. It's a damn good movie. But oddly enough, I feel somewhat that it is also the point I'm at in life. Oddly there is a bit of a rock bottom I have fallen into. Many fears are lingering, but much promise is on the horizon as well.
I have been living in a hotel room since the first week in June. It claims to have wi-fi access, but I have to be sitting in the bathroom or on the floor by the door to get any decent access. To make matters worse my passion feels as though it's been ripped away. My entire studio is in storage, and as a result I have been slacking in my art. I feel it, and know I want to draw, but I can't motivate myself to follow through because my creative space is gone.
Plus a hotel is a not a home. The one salvation is the fact that my daughters are here. At least for now, until mid August. Then I feel as if this place loses all "Home" and becomes a prison. I know that my girlfriend is experiencing much of the same. But many issues led to our forced time off. And it's hopefully only a matter of time before we both make our way back "home."
In the meanwhile I have managed to light the creative fire. I'm drawing again. Forcing myself out of my artistic fail. I'll share work soon, but in the meanwhile, I hope you are enjoying the Boy and His Wookiee strips.
Here I'd like to share this piece I contributed to an awesome Alice in Wonderland art book entitled "Through the Looking Glass"
Have a wonderful weekend.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A Boy and His Wookiee 6-17-10
Thanks to Scott Gammon for pointing out the fact that I was misspelling Wookiee. Ugh. I've had it wrong ALL this time.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A Boy and His Wookie 6-15-10
And here we go....I have a strip for the next three days, then every Tuesday and Thursday after that. I'd love any and all feedback.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
The Bad Boys
As you can imagine, Death Star Daycare center is going to have it's share of factions, cliques, and bullies. Here are a few of them.
The most feared of course would be Lil Vader. Quiet for the most part, but always in control. No one messes with him or his Empire Patrol People.
The most feared of course would be Lil Vader. Quiet for the most part, but always in control. No one messes with him or his Empire Patrol People.
And of course there is (literally) the biggest bully of them all. Big J and his sidekick lackey Crumbs.
Of course, there will be all sorts of other bad boy incarnates like Boba, Greedo, Maul, and others.
Tomorrow, we'll show a few of the good guys.
Monday, June 07, 2010
Death Star Daycare
Sorry guys. I know the idea was to start the A Boy and His Wookie strip on Memorial Day, but I have spent the past two weeks trying to keep my head and life together. While it may not be there yet, it's a little closer. So here is an update on the strip.
I figured the Little Bodies Star Wars characters needed a good backdrop for their adventures. The daycare/school had to embody something iconic about the Star Wars universe as well.
So here is the setting where the strip will take place. I give you the Death Star Daycare Center.
I won't promise that I have updates planned everyday but I am about ready to start showing the strips.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Lost : The End
Sunday was the series finale for ABC's LOST. I came into the show about two years ago, getting to watch the first four seasons on DVD. I really don't think I could have made it had I watched year to year.
It was one helluva show. mixing human emotion with sci-fi and fantasy. Over the years however, it created a lot of questions. Questions like everyone else, I wanted to see answered.
Unfortunately, the series finale didn't deliver on a lot of those. But what it did deliver was a two and a half hour roller coaster ride of emotions and tears for many. (Myself included)
I was oddly satisfied by the end. I think it was because I applied it to my life as well. It took on some sharp comparisons to what I am currently going through. After it was over, I felt the need to sleep on it, and the next morning while taking the longest shower of my life, I found myself sinking into the message at the end. To let go and move forward.
This year has been an awakening for myself as well. I have learned to let go of many things that had created hurt, fear, anger and my own private smoke monster. I feel now like I am at that church in the finale, ready to let go, to move forward.
Friday, May 21, 2010
A Boy and His Wookie
Believe it or not, this has been in the works for over 10 years. I got a bug sometime back to do a Star Wars fan art comic strip. The idea behind it posing the question, "What if all the characters from Star
Wars went to school together as kids?"
I conjured up a few images, and had a few ideas, but it never came to fruition.The idea however, has always been in the back of my mind.
After having completed work on several Topps Star Wars sets (a dream come true in itself,) I garnered a lot more experience with the characters and their universe. I have also grown as an artist, and a writer since then, and I decided now, that with all the excitement surrounding the anniversary of Empire Strikes Back, and Celebration V, it was as good a time as any to revisit the idea.
So, armed with close to three months of material already, and on this the 30th anniversary of my favorite Star Wars movie "The Empire Strikes Back," I announce "A Boy and His Wookie"
Above is the teaser image, and next week I'll divulge many of the character designs and a little more background. The plan is to begin running the strip on Memorial Day.
It will run Monday through Friday the first week, and then Tuesdays and Thursdays from that point forward.
A Boy and His Wookie, is a fan strip and no way endorsed, associated or authorized by Lucasfilm Ltd.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Donna Troy
I really like drawing this outfit. In an effort to post more here, and improve my speed, I am going to start trying to do one daily one hour piece, from start to finish. Here is the result of my first attempt.
Also be sure to check this blog tomorrow for a special announcement!
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Back to the caricatures
I figured I hadn't posted any of my caricature work in a while so here we go....
We start with one of yours truly. This caricature represents the status of how my life is going.
I thought she had a great smile. She exuded confidence and was all about the yearbook...
Don't know why, he just seemed monkey like...
A couple of super baddies.....
We start with one of yours truly. This caricature represents the status of how my life is going.
I got to work my first abstract gig, and here are two I came up with....
I'm pretty sure this one got me in trouble, not because of the unintentional genital placement, but because he was holding bombs?!?

I thought she had a great smile. She exuded confidence and was all about the yearbook...
Don't know why, he just seemed monkey like...
Well, his name was Walley
This guy was full of sunshine.....
A couple of super baddies.....
One really cute little super hero....
A few giraffes....
And the great Conan O'Brien!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Little Bodies
I went out of town and visited with my little darlins which always takes priority over anything else. Everytime I go it gets just a little harder to say goodbye.
But that's why I haven't posted much lately. I have tons of new stuff to post, but we'll have to start with some recent sketch card commissions featuring one of my more personal and favorite little bodies style.
I actually have a webstrip in the works utilizing this style. I'll get to it as soon as I can get out from some of the sketch cards I am buried under.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Biggest Fattest Loser.
So the duck is on a diet. You know there tends to come a time when you should realize that you are getting a little too fat for your own good. I've known that I was at that point for a while now, but the tender allure of a double quarter pounder, or a half dozen twinkies always helped me to look in the other direction.
Enter the Biggest Loser.
By chance I happened to stumble across an episode and I was hooked and impressed by the weight that these people were dropping. I knew that I could do that too.
Of course I was delusional to assume that I could lose 40 pounds in a week the way some of the contestants did, but I was bound and determined nonetheless.
I became smitten with Jillian Michaels as well. Figuring she was worth training to anyway.
So I set a goal in mind. I figured 25 pounds in three weeks was reasonable.
My first course was to cut away soda. THAT task in itself has been the most difficult. Especially with my recent love affair with Pepsi throw back. But I was determined to make it water, milk, juice, and the occasional tea and very rare mixed drink. To this day I have been soda free for 2 weeks.
After that I started in on the diet. I cut my calorie intake dramatically. Now I am almost pathetic obsessed with it. I look at every think now for it's calorie count. Haven't had more than about 1200-1500 calories a day. Usually it's even less. But I learned that I needed to eat more to burn more. So I am allowing my body at least the 1500-1800 mark everyday. Still trying to eat healthy. Lots of veggies, fruits, and fish. ( I sneak in a few wings here and there, but my body seems to be okay with that)
Then there's the exercise.
I bought a Biggest Loser cardio Dvd, and have been faithfully hitting it everyday for the past 8 days except for one break day. I sweat like a monster though. But the burn feels pretty good.
I wanted to just apply cardio and not build muscle so I could drop the weight, and then build muscle. But after chatting with my buddy Keelan, I decided that I would heed his advice and try and build muscle, since apparently THAT burns fat faster.
The scale has been an up and down oddball of a ride. I started at 225 and change. Then in the first few days I dropped to 220. Then in the next few I gained 4, lost one, gained one, gained half. I'm not sure what the hell my body is doing. The good news is, that it seems to be doing what it's supposed to now.
I'm happy to report that as of today I am down to 219!
I'm not sure that I'll hit my three week goal. But I do have to say that I am feeling a lot better, and determined to keep the duck from looking like that picture.
I'll post an update on the Biggest Duckiest Loserist challenge on March 11!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Slave Leia .... gotta love her
It's so late tonight. Or early in the morning, whichever you want to go by. But I am sick as a dog, or my allergies are bothering the crap outta me. I tried to sleep but it's hard to sleep comfortably when your eyes feel like they are going to combust and breathing is a struggle. And since clinics don't open until later on, I'm trying to keep busy, without exerting myself.
So what does that mean? New Blog entry, Hooray.
Here is a Slave Leia done as a commission. I went full on watercolor with this baby with the exception of a few marker areas.
I also tried a toonier approach with her as well. Diggin the way old Dead Jabba came out too!
Anyway, more later, I am going to TRY and fall back asleep. Doesn't help that I have to work ALL day tomorrow.
That's all folks.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Strawberry Shortcake
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Apologies to Charles Schultz

This would be one of those "cope" pieces. Often in life when I am in a mood, I draw something to convey that mood. Whether it be happy, sad, whatever. I guess enough time has passed to show this moment in life. When my now defunct marriage was going through it's stages of slow decline, my ex was making new "friends" on of all places Myspace. One of these friends was a guy way out in Riverside California. She had a huge thing for him, conveniently forgetting that she had a husband as well. They exchanged phone numbers and one day when her phone rang I saw the caller ID. It was him, he who she had so affectionately dubbed her "Snoopy."
If the punch to the face wasn't enough, she had to go and take one of my beloved childhood favorites and bastardize it by giving her forbidden Myspace love it's nickname.
Needless to say from that point forward I started to have a huge distain for Snoopy and the Peanuts in general. Everytime I saw them I saw the guy my ex was making a play for.
After things had seemingly resolved themselves, we were on vacation in Corpus Christi with her folks. Low and behold, we found ourselves eating at a seafood restaurant called, Snoopy's.
This drawing was a result of my feelings during that meal.
Since sometime has passed since that disaster has sailed it's course, I find myself coming back to terms with the Peanuts gang. But I figured it was a funny enough drawing, and now as I look back on it, an even more absurd tale.
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