Well it's right around the corner, the NCN convention. It's right up the street, and I am trying to go. Prices are pricey....in the 250 dollar range....
BUT it's the place to be for Caricature Artists like me. I'd like to try and compete this year, so I am taking donations for those of you that are interested.
If you like my art, dig the blog, and appreciate the effort, take a minute to donate a few bucks to the get LOCO to the NCN CON FUND.
Some of you lurkers have privately requested caricatures of certain celebrities, well anyone that donates and has a request will get it filled as a THANK YA.
If you'd like to help, you can paypal me a donation by clicking here....
LINK DOESNT SEEM TO BE WORKING, so if anyone wants to donate, they can by going to the paypal site and using my email LOCODUCK@LOCODUCK.COM
You can remain anonymous or let me know it was you. Either way it's appreciated.
Have a great day and thanks in advance.